2 credit hours
The purpose of this course is to increase your ability to analyze the strategy of corporations. By strategy, we mean the distinctive approach that the executives within a corporation employ to win in their markets and against their competitors. We will discuss fundamental strategy theories and illustrate their use within a diverse set of corporations. Specifically, we will consider industry structure and generic strategies, the resource-based view of the corporation, and opportunity-driven strategies based on complexity theory. The course will progress from well-defined markets to highly dynamic ones where market structures are ambiguous and the pace of change is often rapid. The ultimate intent of the course is to help you to work more effectively in your professional careers.
Course objectives are to introduce the basic concepts of strategic management; to integrate functional knowledge, behavioral concepts, and analytical tools learned separately in more specialized courses; to examine the process through which competitive strategies are formulated and implemented within organizations to gain competitive advantages and to achieve their objectives; and to enhance individual and team analytical, communication and decision-making skills in addressing integrative, strategic issues.
Watch the below video for a brief introduction to the Business Strategy course:
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